Sunday, April 29, 2012

Stuart Hale Workshops 10th May

Here is the registration form for booking the Thursday workshops with Stuart Hale - 10th May.  Please fill in one form per school.  Thanks.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Up Coming events

Here are some opportunities coming up that our cluster can be a part of!

1.  Educamp Dunners 2012

If you've never been to an 'educamp' before then you are missing out.  These events are a great example of the collegial nature of our profession - teachers sharing and connecting around a common interest and purpose.

The educamp in Dunedin next month will be an opportunity for you to steal some great ideas, find out what's new and trendy in classrooms at the moment and make some connections with teachers that could take you even further than the day itself.  Visit the wiki below, add yourself to the attendance form and organise yourself some transport.  If you would like to be involved in a car pool then email one of the management team at Myross Bush School and we can squeeze you in.

2.  ICT2LRN Media Awards

We hope your school is planning to submit some spectacular entries to our cluster awards competition!  The purpose of this event is to showcase the amazing ICT creations that we know are happening across our cluster.  It's also a great way to highlight the progression in teacher practice we know we have made over the three years our cluster has been collaborating.

More details (including entry details, criteria and online registration forms) will be forwarded to your schools in the coming weeks but we can confirm the following details to help your planning.  We will also be creating some posters to put up in your classrooms and staffroom bulletin boards.

*  These details are also subject to being finalised but stand as follows;

2012 ICT2LRN Digital Media Awards


  • Entries in Subcluster 5pm, 14th September
  • Subcluster finalists named 5pm, 26th September
(entries uploaded to a dropbox on the cluster blog - details to be finalised)
  • ICT Cluster Media Awards night 5pm, 30st  October

Year Level Categories
  • Yrs 0-3, 4-6, 7-8

Digital Categories
Static Image
  • Create a powerful visual image using digital photography. Emphasis on careful composition, focus on a point of interest, close up or long shot.

Manipulated image
  • Using a photo editor to create an artistic to the original.

TV Advertisement (Commercial)
  • Persuasive message: eg Public safety message, environment eg. Road Safety, Clean Green etc

Story telling
  • Produce an original story or a new interpretation of a known story.

  • Non-fiction presentation about a place, topic, person or event.

Music video
  • Compose an original soundtrack and add some moves.

PLEASE NOTE: Judging will be based on the MADE AWARDS CRITERIA – see

Judging panel to be confirmed

Here's a link to the Made Awards Criteria.