After studying the results over many hours this weekend we have a winner for our Marshmallow Challenge - Winton School! They winning height was 1201 cm and you can see the creative spin this team put on their design.
The consistent message I gave to everyone was that you can do what every fits within the rules on the board... and one of the rules stated that the distance was from the table top to the height of the marshmallow.
The rules didn't state which way the table had to be positioned. So, this team has taught us all some important lessons about reaching our goals.
If we're striving to do the best for the learning of our students then sometimes it pays to move our preconceived ideas of what effective teaching and learning is really about. What are we 'holding onto' in our practice because it's always been done that way? - food for thought.

Another winner today is Grant, also from Winton School. He saw this qr code that was
around many staff rooms, took the photo and saw the message on line to send me a text. A Crunchie bar is on it's way, Grant (it's also been in my bag for 10 days so might be a little broken up...).
QR codes are being tipped as one of the next big things this year - they help bridge the gap between the physical and online worlds and should be seen more with the uptake of smart phones around the place.
Check out these links to find out more - especially about QR codes and your classrooms! I wonder who'll join Grant and be the early adopters in the cluster?
Don't Waste your Time - What are QR codes and how're they used?
The Daring Librarian - Qr codes in the library - Tips for using QR codes in the classroom
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